Art Birmingham: May 11 & 12, 2024
Join me in Birmingham, Michigan on Mother’s Day weekend for my first art fair of 2024! I am honored to be selected by the jury for this event with so many artists whose work I enjoy. I’ll have my booth location and event maps available here as they are announced closer to the date.
43rd Annual Art Birmingham
May 11 & 12, 2024
Produced by the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center in association with The Guild of Artists & Artisans
Birmingham, MI
Art Birmingham, now in its 43rd year, takes place on the streets surrounding Shain Park, in downtown Birmingham, Michigan. The Park is surrounded by convenient parking for artists and fairgoers and within easy access to the many unique stores and fabulous restaurants of downtown Birmingham – favorites of the upscale shoppers and residents throughout Oakland County and beyond. A Mother's Day Tradition, this highly respected event will showcase jury selected artists in an elegant and extraordinary setting.